Terms of Use

1. Introduction

The following terms (the “Terms of Use”) apply to the website(s) located at www.thecoo.co or www.thecoo.uk (collectively, the “Site(s)”) and/or all associated sites linked under the domain, www.thecoo.co, www.thecoo.uk and/or our services including newsletter, any search service, job advertising, comparison service and any component(s) of the Sites. This Terms of Use set forth the terms and conditions governing the use of the Site(s). Please read through these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy carefully, prior to using the Site(s). 

By using the Site(s), you agree to these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 

If you do not agree to any of these terms, then you are not permitted to access to the Site(s). If you do not agree to any of these terms, please DO NOT use the Site(s). 

We may change these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy at any time by publishing an updated version on the Site(s) which you can access through the link. It is your responsibility to check these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy periodically for changes. You will be bound by the revised agreement if you continue to use the Site(s) following the effective date shown. If you continue to use the Site(s) after a change is made, your continued use confirms that you accept the change. If at any time you choose not to accept these Terms of Use or/and Privacy Policy, DO NOT USE ANY OF THE SITE.

2. Who we are and how to contact us

Our website address is www.thecoo.co and www.thecoo.uk. To contact us, please email [email protected].

3. Your details and your visits to the Site(s)

By using the Site(s), you are consenting to (1) the processing of the information and details you provide us and (2) that all information and the details you have provided us with are true and accurate.

Subject to your strict compliance with these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy posted on the Site(s), we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-assignable, personal, and non-transferable license to access and make personal use of the service and the content for non-commercial purposes only. Your use must not violate these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. You must not use the Site(s) to transmit or send any unsolicited commercial communication. You must not use the Site(s) for any third-party marketing without our written permission.

4. Age

By using the Site(s), you warrant that you are at least 18 years old and are legally capable of entering into binding contracts.

5. About Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy describes about how the Site(s) may use your personal information. 

6. Service availability

We do not charge you when you browse the Site(s).

Besides, we do not guarantee that the Site(s) or the content on the Site(s) will always be available or be uninterrupted.

Certain content, image, product and service available via the Site(s) may include the information and/or materials from third parties. 

Third-party links on the Site(s) may direct you to third-party websites that are affiliated or not affiliated with us. We are not responsible for examining or evaluating the content or accuracy. We do not warrant any third-party sites. We will not have any liability or responsibility for any third-party materials, any third-party websites, any third-party products, or any third-party services. We will not be liable for any harm or damages related to the purchase or use of goods, services, resources, content, or any other transactions made in connection with any third-party websites. Please review carefully the third-party’s policies, reviews and its business practices before you engage in any transaction with them or use their services. Please also make sure that you understand them before you place any order with any website. Complaints, claims, concerns, or questions regarding third-party products and services should be directed to the third-party.

All content provided on the Site(s) for general information and browsing convenience purposes only. We make no representations to the accuracy or completeness of any information found by following any link(s) on the Site(s). We do have not any liability of the accuracy or completeness from any third party merchants, any advertisers and/or any third party vendors.

8. Affiliate marketing and disclosure

The Sites participate some affiliate marketing programs in different product categories and becomes the affiliate partners of many online tools, services, and products. Part of the links on the Sites may be affiliate links. We may earn commissions for purchases that are made by visitors to the seller’s site that may be one of the affiliate marketing program owners. These are promotional links that can be used to track a visitor’s purchase and credit it to us. This comes at no additional cost to you. Our goal is to provide the convenience and have an income source to support the Sites’ operation and the company development. If you have any questions, please contact us by [email protected].

The content on the Site(s) and other materials is for general information and convenience purpose only. The content is not designed to provide professional advice that you should get from a certified professional or subject matter expert. Reliance on any information on the Site(s) is done at your own risk. 

There are some affiliate links on the Site(s). Generally, the Sites provide the links of many online services and products so as to offer the browsing convenience that some alternatives are listed. As long as the product(s) or service(s) is suitable for our theme, the Site may list it for the convenience purpose only. Please have to obtain professional advice and check any details from the seller for your overall consideration and before you further proceed. 

9. Ads placement services

The Sites provide some ads placement as an advertising service for business clients, via either Google AdSense, some marketing advertising network or commercial services. We only provide the placement for the advertiser to display the ads. We do not have any liability for the content and information accuracy on the ads. Meanwhile, we do not collect any personal information on behalf of any advertiser, except the data usage description stated in the Privacy Policy.

10. Job listing (ads) on the job advertising board (if any)

The Sites provide the ads placement as an advertising service for business clients. The job advertisement includes the information about vacancy provided and advertised by the business client. Searching for job listing or job ads on the Site(s) is free for job seekers. Job ads and the content in the ads are created and provided by third parties that is not controlled by us. All communication for the job application is between the job seeker and the advertiser. The Site(s) is only responsible for the ads placement only. The Site(s) does not involve in any communication or/and content checking between the employer (advertiser) and the job applicant (visitor). Both parties must check each other yourself before you proceed any decision during the advertiser’s recruitment journey. Reliance on any information on the Site(s) is done at your own risk. 

When job seeker intends to apply for any job, please check the information and review the market practice carefully before you proceed to apply for the job. You acknowledge and agree that the Site(s) has no control over whether the employer has real demand for the vacancy, the content, the website, and any behaviour of the employer (advertiser). You also agree that we cannot confirm the accuracy or the completeness of any advertisement or other information provided by the clients, the employers or the advertisers. When you use the job search service or the job advertising service, you agree that all the communication, negotiation and obligation are just between you and the employer you apply for. We do not collect any application data, message or materials including but not limited to application letter, enquiry email, CV or resume on behalf of any employer(s) or any advertiser(s). When you apply to a job advertised on the job ads placement, you agree to send your application to the contact information provided by the advertiser or the employer. 

The Site(s) provide the ads placement for the business client(s) to publish their job recruitment information only. Reliance on any information on the Site(s) is done at your own risk. 

11. Inaccuracies, errors and omissions

Occasionally there may be some information on the Site(s) that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, grammatical mistakes or omissions that may found in situation expression, labels, product descriptions, pricing, promotions, offers, shipping charges, transit times, sellers, reference and availability. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies, mistakes or omissions, and to update information if any information on the Site(s) is inaccurate at any time without prior notice. 

We undertake no obligation to update, amend or clarify information on the Site(s), except as required by law. 

12. Limitation of liability 

We do not guarantee that your use of the Site(s) will be uninterrupted or error-free. 

You expressly agree that your use of, or inability to use, the service is at your sole risk. The services delivered to you through the Site(s) are (except as expressly stated by us) provided ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ for your use, without any warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied. 

13. Disclaimer

The content on the Site(s) is provided for general information and convenience purpose only. Do not reply on information on the Site(s) solely. Please have to obtain professional advice before you further proceed any action or decision. 

On the Site(s), there are some post-it message under the Site(s). Most of the post message under the Site(s) are created by the writer(s) and based on the personal experience, some knowledge from books, what we learnt from teachers/mentors and any learning during the writer’s life journey. The content of the post message is purely the writer’s opinion. We will not be liable to you for any loss or damage in whatever situation, arising under or in connection with use of the Site(s) or any content displayed on the Site(s). 

For the product or services, we do not provide any advice in relation to the products or service. We do also not provide any recommendation. We only list the information and provide a summary of the information which is found or provided from the vendor or brand.

Part of the links on the Site(s) are affiliate links. We may earn commissions for purchases that are made by visitors to the seller’s site that may be one of the affiliate marketing program owners. These are promotional links that can be used to track a visitor’s purchase and credit it to us. This comes at no additional cost to you. The income is to support the Sites’ operation and the company development.

The Sites are operated by The Coo. The Sites and its contents are the properties of The Coo. All rights reserved.  For any enquiry, please contact us at [email protected].

15. Termination

You may terminate these Terms of Use at any time when you cease using the Site.

In case that an agreement is formed between you and us, the termination terms and conditions apply according to the terms and condition stated on the agreement. 

16. Jurisdiction

The Terms of Use shall be governed by English law. You and we both agree that any disputes will be decided only by the courts of England.

17. Feedback

We welcome your comments and feedback. Please send all feedback and comments on us via email, [email protected].


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