The Landscape

The concept of form in Feng Shui pertains to the physical characteristics and layout of the land and structures. It includes the shape and positioning of your home’s foundation, which plays a critical role in determining the flow of energy and its auspiciousness

The concept of form in Feng Shui pertains to the physical characteristics and layout of the land and structures. It includes the shape and positioning of your home's foundation, which plays a critical role in determining the flow of energy and its auspiciousness, the landscape
Apart from the surrounding landscape of your home, the internal layout and home decoration also tip the scale when the positive flow of energy and auspiciousness are brought into our home, home decoration

Home Decoration

Internal layout and home decoration also tip the scale when the positive flow of energy and auspiciousness are brought into our home


Wood, fire, soil, metal and water are 5 elements, which are affecting the flow of energy in our living journey and our home.

Wood, fire, soil, metal and water are 5 elements, which are affecting the flow of energy in our living journey and our home, 5 elements

Frequently Asked Questions

The COO is your guide to better home Feng Shui, for better living journey.

The COO stands for the colours of oneness. We bring you varieties of ideas that help attract and maintain positive energy, fostering a sense of peace, happiness, and fulfilment in your daily life.

At the COO, we believe in the power of 5-element harmony in our living environment. We believe that small actions in home decoration can lead to significant positive energy change, both for ourselves and our family. The COO provides a variety of information about colours of oneness among 5-elements for our home.

The COO site provides the information about some ideas that supports your journey to better living.

Besides, we also provide 4-pillar reading service and Feng Shui consulting services that guide you how to decorate home for better Feng Shui that resonate with your personal and professional goals.

The site is to provide some lifestyle information and one-stop browsing convenience only. We do not warrant any third-party sites. We do not have any liability for any third-party sites and any content provided by them. There may be some links directing you to third-party websites that are affiliated or not affiliated with us. Some of the links are affiliate links. We may earn tiny commissions when you visit and buy something from them. This comes at no additional cost to you. The income is to support the site operation and our development.

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